Feast Fight ~ Channel 5
Dear Customers,
We were featured on a Channel 5 program on 22nd Feb 2011.
Its the episode 3 of Feast Fight.
If you had missed me on the tv, pls hop on to:
Catch me at the 2nd minute of the video clip.
Feast Fight Episode 3
Dear Loyal Customers,
My stall reopens today.
Do drop by when you are free.
I will be closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
See ya soon!
staying tuned
Dear loyal customers,
Please stay tuned for my re-opening and new opening hours!
Off on Wednesdays
Dear Customers,
Please be informed that our stall, together with the coffee shop will be closed on Wednesdays.
Well, 休息是为了要走更长远的路嘛! :)
Hope to see ya around soon!
More Directions

The corner of my new stall in the newly renovated coffee shop

Direct Opposite my stall

Looking forward from my stall...

Looking sideways from my stall...
东成餐室 - Joo Chiat Place Fried Kway Teow

Re-Opening in 1st Jan 2009!
Dear Customers,
We will be re-opening on 1st January 2009 at 59, Joo Chiat Place.
Its where my stall first started out when my late father was around.
My stall will be opened from around noon till 9pm+, as for my rest days, I am still reviewing it with the coffeeshop owner and shall keep you posted in due time.
Please come back and savour the good old taste of my Kway Teow starting 1st Jan 09! =)
优周刊 -135期
Dear Customers,
We are pleased to inform you that we are on this week's U-Weekly Magazine, issue 135, page 80.
Below is the article: